
Another Sunny day!!

Jack had the day off today so we went to YiLan(the northeast side of Taiwan) with Mr. KAWASAKI. It was a very nice day and we had a great time. I just hope the winter could get colder soon. We don't really have the proper winter in Taiwan these years due to global warming. I would like to wear those pretty and heavy sweater again!!

Wish everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!


I wonder what is on Mr.B's mind!!

Mr.B looks so serious. Maybe he is very curious about Double's big black camera

The photo was taken by Mr. Double.


My hair stylist!!

People always say once you find a good hair stylist, you'd need to stick with him/her wherever he/she goes. I am lucky to find mine when I was 18. At that time, Lisa was just a junior hair stylist. Now she owns her hair salon in the central part of Taipei city. Now she is not only my hairstylist, but my friend and sister. Over these years, all her hard work wins her good reputation and lots of customers. I am very happy for her.

This time she dyed my hair light green. I really loves that colour. Thank you, Lisa!! :D

SPACE Hair Salon
Tel: (02)87714004
Add: 台北市復興南路一段107巷21-3號
Working Hrs: 12:00~21:00, Tue is off
Hair Stylist: Lisa


Jack's Birthday!

I secretly bought ACE CAFE LONDON T-shirt for Jack. Obviously, British people are very busy for their X'mas holiday. I finally got it from Japan and I am very impressed by Japanese service- polite and punctual.

Jack is making his own cafe racer slowly and he often told me that he would like to go to Ace Cafe in London one day. I know this is something important to him. Maybe we couldn't make time to London right now, I know we will definitely be there in the nearest future.

Happy Birthday to my Jack!!

P.S. Thanks for Garth's comment. I will keep on writing my blog in English :D


To be a true Motorcyclist!!

我還記得9年前我跟Jack大爺的第一次約會,他騎著SUZUKI 125SDR來找我,我立刻愛上了它那亮晶晶的排氣管和旁邊很像便當蓋的東西 (後來我才知道那是"空氣濾清器"的蓋子)。在那段大學的日子,我就跟著Jack大爺騎著它跑來跑去,我也因為Jack大爺的關係,慢慢愛上了機車,我喜歡跟著Jack大爺修車、騎車兜風,那是一種很幸福的感覺,似乎世界上只有我們兩人和車。

9年的時間過去,我從英國唸書回來,台灣開放進口重型機車,我和Jack結了婚,有了自己的家,但是唯一不變的是Jack大爺對機車的堅持和熱愛。一台車變成四台車,他終於買到了夢想的KAWASAKI W650,客廳多了放機車的車庫,125SDR也被重新整理被我們放在客廳好好的收藏著;每一台車對我們都有著太多的回憶。

許多關心我的好朋友總是跟我說, "你應該要Jack把機車賣掉,買個汽車,這樣比較舒服。夏天有冷氣吹,冬天可以遮風避雨。你現在還年輕,可以這樣坐機車,你年紀大還能這樣嗎?" 其實我也有想過這個問題,我記得我跟Jack大爺騎車去合歡山的時候,我的背和屁股痛到快肢解,每次超過一各半小時的旅程,會讓我腰痛到很難受。下大雨的時候,要全副武裝的穿上雨衣,如果又遇上冬天,根本冷各半死,更別提到達目的地脫下那堆雨衣的麻煩。夏天被大太陽曬出了一堆斑,大熱天加上旁邊公車跟汽車的廢氣,我都會很生氣的說,我再也不要跟你一起騎車了。但是當我真的坐上了汽車,我又覺得好難受,因為那是一個沒有互動的交通工具,我喜歡坐在機車上,那種自由自在的感覺。
